It was nice to see everyone again.
Everyone was so nice and sweet.
There were quite a few changes, due to the new semester.
My algebra class was spent not paying attention and explaining my 'situation' to my friends in that class, all two of them!
Just Rachel and Pedro.
I went to my new class, AVID and my teacher had us play a game that involved candy.
It sucked.
They got to eat it all at the tend, but I couldn't.
I'm ok though.
In my Bio class, we are working on a presentation so I just did some research.
During my break I caught up with some of the kids from Theatre. then in Theatre class we had some laughs.
There are quite a few new faces in the class.
Not as many as my fifth period, though.
There are so many new people in my computer animation class.
It's so different.
I'm so used to that being a quiet class, now they all run around and yell.
But in my sixth period, I didn't even get to do anything because my friends kept asking me questions.
It was nice to get it out and talk about it, but I wish I had found out something that I had missed.
Overall, it was a good day.
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